GUIDANCE FOR FUTURE: Career guidance helps students to select the right kind of job oriented courses which will help them to take their career in the right direction. The career guidance is provided by the occupation or education in future which goes well with their capabilities, skills and interest. To keep our students abreast with the various career opportunities, we have been working in collaboration with various organisations and experts.
In order to shape the future constructively, it is important for the youngsters to open the gateway of plethora of choices across the globe. Understanding the need to apprise the students about varied career and higher studies options available for them, our school organises Career fairs for the students. These fairs bring many prestigious universities across the globe under one roof and provide a platform to all the students and parents to know more about the institution of their interest and interact with them directly. Special one to one sessions are organized with different universities to apprise the students about the eligibility criteria, admission procedures and courses offered by them. Online Career Counselling sessions are also organised for the students and parents by the experts. These kinds of platforms take away all fear and apprehensions from the students’ mind and provide them clarity of vision about their future.