Physics Lab

Physics is an incredible science that spans everything from the amazingly small subatomic particles to the unbelievably large universe! Physics provides the background, explanation and understanding for biology, chemistry, and engineering. Our Physics lab consists of a wide range of physics lab equipments to perform a number of experiments which includes glass beakers, test tubes, items scales, lenses, magnets, balls, pendulums inclined planes, voltammeter, electroscope, potentiometer, spectroscopes; electromagnets etc. to conduct the most basic to the latest state-of-the-art experiments etc.
Biology Lab

Biology is a study of life -- life in all of its grandeur. It is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin and evolution. Our school has a biology lab equipped with Human Skull, Compound Microscope, Dissect Miscroscope, Specimen, Test-tubes, 3-D models, charts etc.
Chemistry Lab

Chemistry lab teaches general and introductory chemistry through the lab experiments. A chemistry lab assists students in organizing, carrying out, and documenting various lab experiments.Our Chemistry lab is equipped with a wide range of lab equipments to perform a number of experiments which consists of glass beakers, Analytical Balance, Kipps Apparatus, Distillation Chamber, Digital Balance, Micro kits and various chemicals etc.
Home Science Lab

To make young students experts in household chores various activities like-Cooking ,Stitching,Home Decoration etc. are taught by expert facilitators .Our Home Science lab is well equipped ,well lighted and well ventilated. The lab has all necessary kitchen commodities .
Mathematics Lab

Mathematics Laboratory is a place where students can learn, explore mathematical concepts and verify mathematical facts and theorems through a variety of activity kits, Vedic/Lab Manual, Smart Board and Models etc. These activities are carried out by the students to explore, to learn, to stimulate interest and develop favorable attitude towards mathematics. The laboratory provides opportunity to exhibit the relatedness of mathematical concepts with everyday life. Our school offers a fully equipped mathematics lab to build interest and confidence in the learning of the subject.
Computer Labs
The school has three computer laboratories for junior and senior wings so as to make the students efficient in technology. These computer labs provide a productive working environment to the students ensuring that their knowledge and technology go hand in hand.
Playground And Other Sports Related Facilities
Living up to its philosophy of striving for a holistic development of the child, the school boasts of a spacious playground where the students can unwind and indulge in their favorite game/sport.
The school playground is being used for many sports/games such as football, volleyball, cricket etc. The other recreational activities performed by the students are touch ball, freeze ball, relay races etc.
The other proud additions of our Playground are:
- Basketball Court
- Skating/Tae-kwon-do
- School Band equipment

The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page. The school has two large libraries, junior and senior, with an excellent
collection of books, journals and magazines.
The primary goal of our libraries is to aid students and teachers in their quest for knowledge and to ensure that students are
efficient users of information. Ready access to materials in all formats, regular activities and discussions related to books and
authors, opens a new world for the students.
The Library maintains an attractive and inviting physical environment which acts as the information centre for all the activities that
go on in the school and allows for an enriched learning experience.
The aim of ATAL lab is to foster curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young minds and inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc. Students in our school get a chance to work with tools and equipment to understand what, how and why aspects of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) ATL lab helps students acquire essential 21st-century skills which will make them future ready.
Fashion Studies Lab

Today the youth is focused and fortunate to have excellent choices in new and upcoming fields that encourage individual talent for a bright future. Fashion Design is one such option. It is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. Fashion Design as profession includes the entire process of designing and producing fashion apparels from the fibre and yarn stage to the finished product. Realising the wide scope of Fashion Design as a professional career the C.B.S.E. has introduced Fashion Studies at 10 + 2 level. We have well equipped fashion studies lab to give exposure to fashion technology.
Science Laboratory

“Science works by experiment”. The science lab in our school is the source of learning through experimenting. Equipped with all the laboratory equipments, specially chemicals and science educational products, it provides the opportunity to the students to quench their curiosity to know more. LANGUAGE LAB
The language lab is a very useful tool that facilitates classroom engagement and interaction via computer-based exercises and activities to maximize language immersion. English language lab is designed to provide the learners with a strong platform for practical training in the language and facilitates the development of effective communication skills. The learners are exposed to functional language which is used widely all over the world.

Reception of our school offers a friendly welcome to all the visitors. It is easily accessible with proper signage. The waiting area has comfortable seating arrangement. The display boards provide all the necessary and latest information about the school. It clearly reflects the ethos of our school.

Keeping in mind the health & well-being of every individual in the school premises, there is a well- equipped clinic with 3 bed capacity. We have a professionally qualified doctor and well trained nurse who tender the mother’s touch to the children.
Activity Room

The activity room is where the children can come in small groups and experience activities, interaction and any other planned activities. Here in, we have games, arts/crafts and story sacks. We feel it’s very important for children to experience small group work as well as individual and large group work, so this quiet extension gives the children every opportunity.
Smart Class Boards

A step in Interactive Learning is the Smart Class where the children get an insight into a world of information beyond textual learning. To meet the different styles of the students, the class rooms of our school are equipped with interactive Whiteboards or Smart Boards where learning becomes more effective through dynamic lessons. It helps teachers to integrate a range of resources within their lessons. Well designed modules allow students to visualise the concept much better than static images. With an aim to enhance conceptual development and thinking skills of the learners, the school is using this facility to its best.
Dance Room

“Dance is an expression of soul”. To encourage this creative expression, we have a dance room where children are trained in a variety of dances during their dance periods and as a part of the work experience classes. The teachers ensure that children take part in various competitions in and out of the school.
Music Room

The school has three Music Rooms. While vocal and instrumental music training provide the facility to enhance the talent of the students. There is a separate room for the young learners too. Music rooms are facilitated with all kinds of musical instruments that help the children to pursue their talent. Keyboard, Harmonium, Xylophone, Tabla, Dholak, Congo, Bongo, Drumset, Cajon, Jambe, Guitar, Tambourine, Daffle are the instruments which are available in the Instrumental Music Room.
Sports Room
“Sports do not build character, they reveal it.” To ensure that children get all the facilities of outdoor as well as indoor games, a sports room is maintained in the school.
Yoga Room

“Yoga is the science of integration of body, mind and soul.” We believe that the students can give their best when the body is physically healthy, the mind is clear, focused and stress is under control. We have a yoga room in which students learn to meditate and deal with stress.
Art Room

The school also has an art room where the creative talent of the children is moulded and refined. Students are guided and encouraged to expose their talent by participating in various competitions in and out of the school.
Amphi Theatre

We have an unique open air Amphitheatre with performance stage, surrounded by ascending seats. Children gather here for for various cultural competitions which gives them scope to showcase their talents, creativity and gain confidence.Children do a variety of dramatics and public speaking activites through the year in this arena which removes stage fright and increases their oral communication skills. The acting ability of the students is further enhanced by training them in amphi theatre.
Lecture Theatre
3D learning centre in our school clearly emphasizes that science is not just a series of isolated facts. The Audio-Visual room with a projector and screen is well equipped for three dimensional learning. It brings topics to life with animations that capture our students’ curiosity and delve deeper into subject material like never before. The use of audio visual aids is well integrated with the school curriculum and this room is extensively used by teachers and students.

Robotics lab is all about empowering young learners and motivating them to be innovative and future ready. When students programme physical robots, it becomes easier for them to understand the intricacies and capabilities of robots. They not only learn the skills needed to create precise and accurate instructions but also have fun while learning valuable lessons.