The 24x7 virtual world we inhabit, with a constant focus on the future and on cutting-edge
technology; coupled with our growing consumerist society, is making us lose the connect
with the past that we are inheritors of.The students need to take ownership of their past and the best way to do this is to connect the dots for them through heritage in education. Heritage is an inter-disciplinary space and common to all of us. It was observed that children were getting increasingly alienated from their Traditions and Heritage. ITIHAAS re-introduces children to their heritage, which is tangible and intangible, by walking them through their past. ITIHAAS is about telling stories. Real stories, that take children to a land that is not far away, but right next door, sometimes buried in our backyard and on some occasions, ensconced in our living memories. This is Experiential learning .The collaboration of school with ITIHAAS is to give experience to the students to explore more. The students grasp concepts better, they have the opportunity to be more creative, they can reflect, and their mistakes become valuable experiences. We have been associated with Itihaas since 2015.