“There can be no life without soil and no soil without life , they have revolved together”
DAV Public School, Sector-49 Gurugram collaborated with the Isha foundation’s ‘Save Soil’ and organised a drive on 22 April 2022 aiming to raise consciousness about the importance of soil conservation and how people can contribute at a personal level.
Save Soil is a global movement which was launched by Sadguru to address the soil crisis and bring together people around the world to stand up for soilhealth. It aims in raising awareness towards the need to replenish the soil and prevent it from further degradation.
In light of it, the students of our school were shown a short video on 19 April’22 explaining the urgency of the situation and how to be a part of the ‘save soil’ drive.
On the occasion of earth day the students of class 12th enthusiastically took part in the ‘Save Soil Movement’ by marching to a nearby society - ‘ Uppal Southend’, raising slogans and holding banners.
The students not only raised awareness by sharing facts but also performed two experiments on the soil sample collected there.
The two experiments ranged from testing the water retaining capacity of soil to its pH levels.
The first experiment showcased the sharp contrast between the water retaining capacities in the given sample. The second experiment , surprisingly, was proved to be extremely basic, which is unfavorable, as it inhibits the growth of plants and kills the microbes present in it.
After the experiments the campaign was concluded by informing the gathering about the soil types and vegetation found in Gurugram and suggesting tips to replenish soil health.
From this initiative we wish to raise informed citizens and encourage them to work towards a noble cause and actually make a difference!
Save Soil! Save Earth!

"There can be no life without soil and no soil without life, they have evolved together."
Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru, to address the soil crisis by bringing together people from around the world to stand up for Soil Health, and supporting leaders of all nations to institute national policies and actions toward increasing the organic content in cultivable Soil. In this regard videos and ppt were shown to students to enhance their knowledge regarding conservation of soil.
To continue with this campaign, students wrote letter to Hon'ble Prime Minister and collected 'Earth Buddy Badges '.A number of activities were taken up in school like Plantation Drive, Pot Decoration which made children aware about the importance of conservation of soil. Children also voiced their opinion on the importance of soil to sustain life on the earth. All the children were happy & excited to be a part of Save Soil project.

